Friday, December 13, 2013


Portfolio Essay One

Ma, Zhaodong
Professor Klepper
English 113B
September 23, 2013
The Battle Between Internet and Copyright
            Since Internet was created, it became the most effective and fast way to work and study. Internet changes the way that people used to live, while at the same time people give internet more features to help people share their life. You can find anything you want on the Internet in few seconds and enjoy the convenience and speedy. However, you may receive an indictment from someone or some company saying that you are not legal to read or listen some materials because they have the copyright. Thus people have to pay thousands of dollars penalty without knowing what exactly happened. There are many cases like that. People search and downloaded some things without being stopped and they have to pay for their “fault”. Since Internet is a huge free platform people should be more careful of their property, which is uploaded on the Internet, and consider their products as a lower price, thus people are more willing to pay their products instead downloaded illegally.
            Internet considered as a free platform where people can share and find something important or necessary to their life. If someone posts anything on the Internet, people automatically think that they are willing to share with them. If not why post on Internet rather than save them in the flash or other place. More over, I don’t think people share within a little group should be treated as copyright infringement even though on the Internet. For example, a single mom whose name is Jammie Thomas was accused by record company because downloaded music illegally and have to pay as much as twenty two thousands dollars in 2006. The website which she downloaded music from named KASA. People sign in and uploaded music that they were willing to share, and download music that other people shared. It was like a big house where family members can share their music. If it is legal that people share in their house then why it is illegal on the Internet?
            On the other hand, in order to protect people’s property it is better not to post or upload something that important. According to Canyon “Identity theft statistics are shocking! In the past five years, 1 in 4 Americans was a victim of identity theft making it America's fastest growing crime. Identity theft statistics indicate that this crime costs the government, businesses, and citizens of America billions of dollars each year”(Canyon 1). As modern technology developing, Internet was not the safe place anymore. People trying to dig out information from others and use that information to achieve their goal. According to the Sunday Times, the hackers used stolen login details for a Postbank teller and a call center agent to transfer about $6.7 million into multiple bank accounts that were opened across the country late last year” (Purewal 1). Thus from the person who are trying to post something involved copyright or other important information’s view, it is better idea to keep your property away from internet.
            Well no one can deny the fact that Internet is a super huge platform that can help individual and companies achieve their commercial goal. Even though it is very hard to protect their products from being stolen, they are willing to try to sell those products online. Because Internet is so flexible and visional, it is very hard to trace the person who steel or downloaded illegally. According to Adkins “The RIAA reports that music sales in the United States have dropped 47 percent since Napster first debuted in 1999. The availability of free music has cost the music industry $12.5 billion in economic losses”(Adkins 1). Since Internet is so complex and huge, avoiding being hake or stolen is impossible. Benefits always go with risk.
            As I mentioned before, compare to download things illegally, people prefer to buy them with lower price. They don’t want to get risk to be sued for downloading illegally, however they also don’t want to pay twenty dollars for one song which just allowed to be downloaded few times. There are many solutions, one of them is to use modern price model. According to Tsai and Peng “Theoretically, households will consider the relative cost of owning versus renting when making housing tenure choices. For example, Coulson and Fisher (2002) find that the relative cost of buying versus renting is an important factor affecting household tenure choices. Sinai and Souleles (2005) find that when rent variance is high, housing demand increases. Himmelberg et al. (2005) compare the costs of house ownership in different cities in the USA. Their study reveals that the costs of ownership in cities constrained by inelastic supply are relatively higher than the costs of renting. One representative paper is that of Capone (1995), which builds a theoretical model to compare the cost of owning versus that of renting to describe how households make housing tenure choices” (Tsai and Peng 379).  Actually house like other online products lower price can bring much advantage of quantity and much quantity can bring much benefit. Like people compare rental cost and house price, people always consider online products price and downloading illegally, if they can get lower price product then they don’t want to download illegally with much high risk.
However, in some extent, piracy behavior sometimes helps companies or individual gain benefit indirectly. “Finally, we could try to excuse this piracy with the argument that the piracy actually helps the copyright owner. When the Chinese “steal” Windows that makes the Chinese dependent on Microsoft. Microsoft loses the value of the software that was taken. But it gains users who are used to life in the Microsoft world. Over time, as the nation grows more wealthy, more and more people will buy software rather than steal it” (Lawrence 65).
In conclusion, I think copyright is very difficult to protect people’s property on Internet. Where there is someone sharing, there is someone downloading.  People always like free things. If you want to connect Internet with your products then make sure the price of your products are accepted by people. However, like I mentioned above, companies may also benefit indirectly and if price become lower, it also can benefit companies and people at the same time.
Works Cited
Amy Adkins, Demand Media, How Does Illegally Downloading Music Impact the Music Industry?
Lessig, Lawrence. 
Free culture: how big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity. Piracy I pp.65
Tsai, I-C. And C-W. Peng, 2011, Bubbles in the Taiwan housing market: The determinants and effects. Habitat International, 35, pp. 379–90.

Portfolio Essay Two

Ma, Zhaodong
Professor Jeff Klepper
English 113 B
November 8, 13

Griffith Observatory
One of the main man-made attractions that Los Angeles, California has to offer is the Griffith Observatory which is available to the public. It sits on the south while facing the slope of Mount Hollywood. From the Griffith Observatory, people are able to view throughout the LA basin, including downtown LA to the southeast, the Hollywood sign to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest. The Griffith Observatory became a popular place not only because of its unique location, but because of its wonderful science display. Moreover, the architecture design here is another reason why people visit. Griffith Observatory looks like a beautiful museum since every building shows visitors different things and gives them completely different experiments. Griffith Observatory is a place that is full of social value, offers beautiful architecture design, and its use of space is impressive and makes people want to visit again.
According to The Herald, the Griffith Observatory is an important part of Southern California. “It has been one of the top attractions in Southern California for more than 60 years. It is visited by nearly two million people a year” (The Herald 1). The social value behind the Griffith Observatory that makes many people want to visit is its rich history. Griffith Observatory emerged as a dream of a man whose name was Griffith J. Griffith. Though Griffith was born in Wales and came to America as a teenager, he considered Los Angeles as his hometown.  After a visit abroad, he had discovered the great public parks of Europe and thought that his home, Los Angeles, also needed a great park in order to become an even greater city. His vision was to create a great park that was accessible to everyone. He purchased the area where Griffith Park is now located and had people construct the observatory. Griffith Park became the largest city park in the U.S. with wilderness areas.  Griffith J. Griffith was introduced to astronomy through the Astronomical section of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. After Griffith looked through the largest telescope of his time at Mount Wilson, John Anson Ford claimed this experience moved him profoundly. He quotes Griffith as saying “man’s sense of values ought to be revised. If all mankind could look through that telescope, it would change the world!” That is another reason why Griffith decided to have this observatory built and why so many people want to peak at the universe.
Most people go to the Griffith Observatory not only to enjoy the beauty of Los Angeles but also in hopes of catching the beauty of the universe. “The site you choose will affect the quality and quantity of viewing, imaging, and science that can be performed”(Hudson and Simstad 2). Therefore, a good location, which allows people to enjoy both quality and quantity, is very important for an observatory.  There are many factors that should be considered before choosing a location such as weather condition, sky transparency, darkness of the sky, and so on. Even though the Griffith Observatory is located in Los Angeles, California it has a rather Mediterranean climate. The wet winter and dry summer seasonality of precipitation are the defining characteristics of this climate. Los Angeles has plenty of sunshine throughout the year, with an average of only 35 days with measurable precipitation annually. As a result, the weather and sky conditions are very good for observation. People are able to visit the Griffith Observatory most days of the year and can enjoy the clean sky more frequently. Since the Griffith Observatory is 1134 feet above sea level, people can see most parts of the Los Angeles basin. Combined with manmade view and nature beauty, people will have a wonderful experience.
Observatories have been built for thousands of years. At first, the observatory was used for practical purpose such as guiding ship along the coast, observing the enemy, and so on. Nowadays, observation decks allow people to view nature from unique vantage points or look skywards towards the constellations. Those building can be tall towers or tiny edifices which have their own function. The architecture of Griffith Observatory also gives people good impressions. The whole building looks like a big castle and it also has many similarities with Muslim mosques. For example, it is fashioned in the Art Deco style of its day; there are two sky dome building beside the main structure and one big one behind it. Before people reach the main building, there is a giant square where people can walk around in front of the structure which gives them a feeling of openness and tranquility.         
In addition, the main color of the architecture is white and can also affect people in many ways. “The use of color in visualization is most effective, and easiest for the novice to utilize, as color has a very strong radiating effect on the whole body. Every other form of color therapy is fundamentally symbolic” (Campbell L. 1). The color white is associated with many symbolic ideas such as purity, virginity, innocence, goodness, heaven, and safety. Griffith Observatory can be considered the gate that connects the sky to the people and its white color makes people feel clean and pure. At night, the yellow color resembles a lighthouse which can make people easily find the observatory. “Yellow will advance from surrounding colors and instill optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts” (Smith 1). Combined with the dark skies, the yellow light makes people reflect on life and the universe. That’s another reason why people want to visit Griffith Park, especially during the night.
As previously mentioned, the Griffith Observatory is also like a big museum. According to Socha “ it is designed to appeal to the masses, and in operating the Observatory we shall strive to maintain the popular appeal and make it interesting and instructive, while the scientist and student of research will also be fascinated by the opportunities offered” (Socha 157). Its smart spacing allows as much material as possible to be showed to people so they can learn the visit. There are several halls that allow people to peak the universe in different ways, they are: Wilder Hall of the Eye, Ahmanson Hall of the Sky, W.M. Keck Foundation Central Rotunda, Cosmic Connection, Depths of Space, and Edge of Space Mezzanine.
The Hall of the Eye exhibit’s main focus is how people previously observed the sky and its impact on society. On the other hand, the Hall of the Sky shows how people are connected to the sky and its two main objects, the moon and the sun. There is also one of the U.S.’s largest public telescopes at the end of this hall.
The Central Rotunda shows the connection between science and mythology and also how Griffith’s vision of the Observatory came to life. The Cosmic Connection’s main feature is a 150-foot timeline of the universe. The Depths of Space exhibit shows how people were able to travel into space through the use of telescopes.
 Finally, the Edge of Space gives people the experience through a cosmic perspective to connect the earth toward the universe. By visiting each exhibit, people will feel as though they are traveling in the universe. Visitors experience a wonderful view while studying much about universe.
As a public place, Griffith Observatory is famous for its beautiful view and its historical significance. The social value of this place involves giving people unique experiences while at the same time educating people about the universe. The design and color are important for viewing and its scientific content is what distinguishes the Observatory. The use of smart space gives people a feeling of comfort and encourages thinking about the universe. Those are the reasons why people visit the Griffith Observatory and why it became so famous.

Works cited
"Briefing: Griffith Observatory." The Herald: 17. Jan 03 2002. ProQuest. Web. 31 Oct. 2013 .
“The Share Astronomy Guide to Observatory Site Selection” Ken Hudson and Tom Simstad. Version 1.0 - October 2010 introduction page 2.
Campbell L. Mind body healing–How it works. Conscious Living Magazine. Available at:; Accessed on 2009.
All About The Color YELLOW, Kate smith, Un2iTr-KDlI
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Vol. 47, No. 277 (June, 1935), pp. 157-159

 Portfolio Essay Three

Ma , Zhaodong
Professor Klepper
English 113B
December 3, 13
The movie “V for Vendetta” was based on the 1982 graphic novel written by Alan Moore. The story depicts a future United Kingdom which is controlled by a fascist leader named Norsefire in 1990s.  Norsefire has exterminated his opponents in concentration caps and rues the whole country as a polic state. He was trying to control people through government-controlled social media, such as newspaper and television network. According to Del, “language was used as a political tactic for changing public consciousness suddenly becomes a tool for radical social change. Human beings think in language and if you change the language, then you change how people think.”  (Del 120). Evey, the second main character in both film and graphic novel, is a young girl who helps V, the main character, finish his dream which is breakdown the fascist government and give freedom back to people. Compared with the character Evey in the movie I personally prefer the character in the graphic novel because in the comic book Evey has greater depth in its material. It depicts a dirty, corrupt society with fully-developed character.
With the exception of V, Evey played the most important role in both the movie and comic book.  She was the person who carried on V’s duty in the graphic novel and helped V finish his dream in the movie, which is to inspire people to do something rather than knowing something wrong and still do nothing. Instead of V, Evey went through everything and witnessed victory. Therefore Evey , in some extent, was the clue of the whole story.
Even though in both movie and comic book Evey experienced the same transformation from normal person to V’s inspiration person and join the battle, there are many differences between both. First, in the movie Evey was a runner for the British Television Network. However in book, Evey was a young teenager who was suffering from poverty and resorted to prostitution to survive. Although they both were caught and nearly raped by Fingermen during the city curfew and being rescued by V later, they have different reactions because of their age. By portraying Evey as a frightened teenager in the beginning, Moore had the opportunity to show us the transition in her character into eventually becoming V. Second, After being saved by V, the young teen wanted to repay V, so she help him kill Anthony James Lilliman who is a peadophile bishop. After that, little Evey discovered that V is far more sinister than she suspect. Compared to the novel, Evey in the movie has much independent ideas about killing people. She was trying to tell the bishop the truth so that he can escape V.  She experiences mercy and guilt before V kills the bishop. After that, young Evey was abandoned by V alone in the street. In contrast, Evey in the movie was trying to escape from V. therefore, age makes the most difference between the two Eveys.
Moreover, their family background is also different. As the comic book says, as a child Evey grew up on Shooter Hill in southeast London. Her mom died following an unclear war in early 1980s and her father was arrested and executed by the Norsefire. She was sent to a youth hostel and was forced to work at a factory. In the movie she has an older brother who is killed by a virus that was secretly developed by the government and first tested on V's fellow inmates at Larkhill. Therefore that is one more reason that would make Evey want to help V. Her parents then became political activists and participated in anti-government protests. She was sent to television network to work several years after re-education.
At the end of the story, rather than helping V finish his dream, Evey in the book decided to pick up the mask and become the other V. She carried on the duty of helping people out of the fascist government. In some extent they both win the battle though in different ways. In the movie, V finally woke up people and broke down the government. However in the book, V just woke up Evey and made Evey carry on his mission which according to Williams “represents a key quality essential for any revolution attempting to change the "order of things" rather than repeating the political mistakes of the past”(Williams 16).
This movie seems like an action movie, but it was full of brilliance. The story was filled with darkness, love and hope. As Wong says “It embraces living without fear. What V has taught her causes Evey to throw her arms up to the rain, like Tim Robbins' character in "The Shawshank Redemption” (Wang 1).  Both movie and graphic novel gave people wonderful story and made people fall into a deep thinking. However, according to Rjurik “ Formally speaking, the graphic novel
is closer to a TV series than a film. Usually they are composed of chapters that are published monthly, which each tell a 'short story' while maintaining a broader story arc that develops over time. This causes a great deal of difficulty for adaptations to film”(Rjurik 161), I personally like graphic novel so much because it has more complete and link up story and detail background.

Works cited
Del Gandio, Jason. Rhetoric for Radicals : A Handbook for 21st Century Activists.
Beverly Hills, CA, USA: Pomegranate Press, 2008. p 120.
Williams, Tony. "Assessing V for Vendetta." CineAction 70 (2006): 16+. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 3 Dec. 2013.
COSETTE WONG, SENIOR, RIO RANCHO HIGH SCHOOL For,the Journal. "'Vendetta' Puts Ideas into Action." Albuquerque Journal: 0. Mar 21 2006. ProQuest. Web. 3 Dec. 2013 .
Vagaries & Violence in V for Vendetta By: Davidson, Rjurik. Screen Education , 2007, Issue 46, p157-162, 6p

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