Thursday, October 24, 2013

Ma, Zhaodong
Professor Klepper
English 113B
Oct 24th, 2013
Space Analysis
Comparing with old building and streets, architectures and streets nowadays give people more sense of beauty.
Reseda Boulevard looking south from Devonshire Street, in the early 1920s.
Reseda Boulevard in 2010.
However, there are also some unfitted design that make people feel confused.

There is a wall behind the window.

    There is a big box stock in front of this store.

Architectures and streets consist of cities. A good design of architecture and streets can reflect the level of developing of the city.  On the other hand, unfitted design may bring  many  inconvenience. This bridge was located at south Reseda Blvd.  The original purpose of this bridge was separating rail road and street so that train can pass here quickly and safely. However in order to build this bridge, people cut the road and make the middle part sunk so that they can create a new bridge which is more convenient for train but less convenient for drivers and the business nearby.
    aperture of bridge was the place where can save much water easily during raining. It is very dangerous for cars going under the bridge.
From this picture we can tell that the road at the other side of the bridge have  the same altitude as this side. Only the middle part sunk down. Moreover, 
For those business which is near by the bridge, due to landform, they lose connection with road. It is very inconvenience to drive to those business. Furthermore, there are much land which is can be used as parking lot wasted. City design is a big system that can related to many field. “Architects design buildings, landscape architects design green spaces, highway engineers have responsibility for the engineering aspects of the street and transport planners ensure that public and private transport flows efficiently(Roberts, Marion).” Thus people cannot design city without corporation. 
Based on this problem, personally I recommend to fill and level up the middle part.  We can build a rail road crossing instead of bridge. One of the reason why I want to build a rail road crossing is because according to my observation train will go pass every thirty minutes and it will last few seconds to pass the crossing. Thus drivers same much time. Second, since bridge broke down, big car such as bus can go to this area easily. people can shop here by bus, therefore there is not much stress on traffic, also we can set up a train station nearby to make this area more walkable .  In some extent” we refer to the reorganization of  the landscape and the creation of the landscape.” Third,  business around this area will become more busy because of influent traffic.

Work cited
Roberts, Marion. "Planning, Urban Design and the Night-time City: Still at the Margins?." Criminology & Criminal Justice, 9.4 (2009): 487-506.

"Jeff Speck: The Walkable City." TED: Ideas worth Spreading. TED, n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

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