Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ma, Zhaodong
Professor Klepper
English 113B
September 23, 2013
The Battle Between Internet and Copyright
    Since internet was created, it became the most effective and fast way to work and study. Internet change the way that people used to live, while at the same time people give internet more features to help people share their life. You can find anything you want on the internet in few seconds and enjoy the convenience and speedy. However, you may receive an indictment from someone or some company saying that you are not legal to read or listen some materials because they have the copyright. Thus you have to pay thousands of dollars penalty with plenty of  confused. There are many cases like that. Innocent people search and downloaded some thing without being stopped and they have to pay for their “fault”. Well in my opinion, anything involved copyright should not be posted on the internet before it becomes public domain, because internet is a huge stage which is helpful to spread information quickly and at the same time it is also very hard to control. Although it is protected by copyright law, no one can guarantee that it is perfectly safe if people put their property on the internet.
    Internet considered as a free platform where people can share and find something important or necessary to their life. If someone post anything on the internet, people automatically think that they are willing to share with them. If not why post on internet rather than save them in the flash or other place. More over, I don’t think people share within a little group should be treated as copyright infringement even though on the internet. For example, a single mom whose name is Jammie Thomas was accused by record company because of  downloading music illegally and have to pay as much as twenty two thousands dollars in 2006. The website which she downloaded music from named KASA. People sign in and upload music which they are willing to share and download music that other people shared. It was like a big house where family members can share their music. If it is legal that people share in their house then why it is illegal on the internet?
    On the other hand, in order to protect people’s property it is better not to post or upload something that important. “Identity theft statistics are shocking! In the past five years, 1 in 4 Americans was a victim of identity theft making it America's fastest growing crime. Identity theft statistics indicate that this crime costs the government, businesses, and citizens of America billions of dollars each year.(white canyon)”. As modern technology developing, internet was not the safe place anymore. People trying to dig out information from others and use those information to achieve their goal. According to the Sunday Times, the hackers used stolen login details for a Postbank teller and a call center agent to transfer about $6.7 million into multiple bank accounts that were opened across the country late last year(Hackers Steal $6.7 Million in Cyber Bank Robbery).”. Thus from the person who are trying to post something involved copyright or other important information’s view, it is better idea to keep your property away from internet.
    Well no one can deny the fact that internet is a super big platform that can help individual and companies achieve their commercial goal. Even though it is very hard to protect their products from being stolen, they are willing to try to sell those products online. Because internet is so flexible and visional it is very hard to trace the person who steel or downloaded illegally. “The RIAA reports that music sales in the United States have dropped 47 percent since Napster first debuted in 1999. The availability of free music has cost the music industry $12.5 billion in economic losses.( How Does Illegally Downloading Music Impact the Music Industry?)”. Since internet is so complex and huge, avoiding being hake or stolen is impossible. Benefits always go with risk.
    However, in some extent, piracy behavior sometimes helps companies or individual gain benefit indirectly. “Finally, we could try to excuse this piracy with the argument that the piracy actually helps the copyright owner. When the Chinese “steal” Windows, that makes the Chinese dependent on Microsoft. Microsoft loses the value of the software that was taken. But it gains users who are used to life in the Microsoft world. Over time, as the nation grows more wealthy, more and more people will buy software rather than steal it(free culture).”
    In conclusion, I think copyright is very difficult to apply into internet. Where there is someone sharing, there is someone downloading.  People always like free things. If you want to connect internet with your products then prepare to fight a battle. However, like I mentioned above, you may also benefit indirectly. All in all, copyright is not necessary to internet because internet born with free.
Work Cited

Amy Adkins , Demand Media, How Does Illegally Downloading Music Impact the Music Industry?, http://smallbusiness.chron.com/illegally-downloading-music-impact-music-industry-27748.html

Lessig, Lawrence.
Free culture : how big media uses technology and the law to lock down culture and control creativity


Thursday, September 19, 2013

No one can deny the fact that copyright has many advantages such as copyright gives creator of piece of fortune, copyright prevent people's work from being stolen and it encourages people to create more and more new things. However, it also has many disadvantages. Obviously copyright is the main reason that people don't want to share works, thus knowledge is becoming hard to spread. At the same time, in order to get a good education, people have to pay more money compare to several years ago. In my opinion, there should be a standard that can measure works and decide which works can apply copyright and if it is related to commercial, it should give a reasonable price to help people share the works such as online music.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Internet Harms

zhaodong ma. Nicholas Jaramillo. Xinyu Zhou, Zhi Liang, Mariana Isidoro,Mac Khan.

      In FREE CULTURE, Lawrence Lessig describes this chapter Harms in three main

parts: Constraining Creators, Constraining Innovators and Corrupting Citizens.

In Constraining Creators, he explains how the current law makes the utilization

of recent digital technologies like emailing a music video presumptively illegal.

He conjointly tries to inform people that it's nearly not possible to work out the

road between legal and illegal on the web. For the second part, Lessig gives us an

example on how a music company ends up suing a MP3.com website for giving

out free music. Corrupting Citizens is the most significant part of this chapter, it

describes how the internet harms the citizens and we will be mainly talking about

this point.

       The internet has slowly corrupted the public by making it easier to illegal gain access to an artists 

work. For example, instead of going to a CD store and buying a CD legally, a person can go to 

websites such as youtubetomp3 to download music for free.  The majority of the public using the 

website to download music do not question if it is legal. The label company thinks the opposite and are 

taking actions to shut down the website. In our research, we noticed that the disciplinary actions in each 

piracy act varied. For example, in a case where a student plagiarizes another persons’ work, they lose 

their writing integrity and may be kicked out of school. On the other hand, the person who created a 

free music download website was sued for millions of dollars. We believe that the discipline isn’t 

constant, and it should be on equal terms. Internet harms should have a constant action of discipline, 

and not let go from a slap on the wrist to being sued for more than what you’re worth.



